Our latest cutting machine (Zünd, CH) combines knife cutting, milling and ultrasonic cutting in one CNC program. Discover the five advantages this ‘Swiss army knife’ offers you.
Purchasing a new cutting machine like the Zünd is not something we do every day. It involves a fair bit of research into its technical characteristics, focusing on one central question: how can we make this machine work for our customers?
Swiss army knife with five advantages for you
The new cutting machine exudes Swiss expertise in more ways than one. We like to compare it to a Swiss army knife offering you five advantages:
1. Three cutting processes in one program – versatility is key. Combining knife cutting, milling and ultrasonic cutting in one CNC program, this machine can cut almost any material cleanly and accurately: foam, fibre, hard plastic and even thick rubber.
2. Total accuracy – thanks to the all-in-one CNC program, we can work within all required tolerances.
3. Development time reduced from 10 to 4 weeks – the mechanical efficiency achieved immediately shortens your lead time by 60%.
4. No expensive tooling costs – say goodbye to expensive tooling investments, which can be as much as €20,000 or even €30,000.
5. Premium automotive finish – using premium materials, we deliver seamless, unicolour parts.
Time for action!
Watch how we transform a flat compressed fibre plate into a 3D part by milling V-shaped bended lines.
How can we make this versatile cutter work for you?
Drop me a line at t.raes@isoform.be or give me call on +32 499 98 89 50.